Curriculum Vitae
2015 - Present
Senior Lecturer in Law
2012 - 2015
Lecturer in Law
University of Liverpool (UK)
University of Liverpool (UK)
2009 - 2012
Assistant Professor & Research Coordinator
Tilbur Law & Economics Center, University of Tilburg (the Netherlands)
2008 - 2009
Max Weber Fellow
European University Institute (Florence, Italy)

2005 - 2008
PhD in Law
2004 - 2005
Qualification to practice law
2003 - 2004
LL.M. in International Competition Law and Policy (Completed with distinction ranking first within cohort)
LL.B. in Law (First Class Honours)
Summer training in European and German Law (completed with an excellent average grade)
Research Grants & Awards
2013 - 2018
2005 - 2008
Knowledge exchange grant for the study of gender budgeting (in collaboration with the Women's Organisation, £5000)
Research Development Fund to organise public outreach events on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (£5000)
Marie Curie Career Integration Grant for the study 'Anchoring the Consumer: Legitimacy and Accountability in Competition Law (£100,000)
Overseas Research Award & Studentship Award for the funding of PhD degree studies (£66,000)

Antitrust Federalism in the US and the EU (London & New York: Routledge, 2012)
Turkey and the EU: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities (co-edited with Lars Hoffmann, Routledge, 2014)
‘Gender Budgeting in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens (eds.) Gendering the European Parliament (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).
‘Network Governance in European Competition Law Post-Financial Crisis: What Impact on Legitimacy?’ in JM Beneyto and J Maillo (eds.), Fostering Growth in Europe: Reinforcing the Internal Market, (Madrid: CEU Ediciones, 2014).
‘Introduction’ in Firat Cengiz, Lars Hoffmann (eds.) Turkey and the EU: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities (New York and London: Routledge, 2014)
‘Conclusions’ in Firat Cengiz, Lars Hoffmann (eds.) Turkey and the EU: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities (New York and London: Routledge, 2014)
‘Rethinking Conditionality: Gender Equality and the Kurdish Issue in Turkey’s EU Accession Framework’ in Firat Cengiz, Lars Hoffmann (eds.) Turkey and the EU: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities (New York and London: Routledge, 2014)
‘Epilogue – The Future of Constitutional Reform in Turkey: Constitutional Moment or Constitutional Process?’ in Firat Cengiz, Lars Hoffmann (eds.) Turkey and the EU: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities (New York and London: Routledge, 2014)
‘The Modernisation of EU Competition Law: Institutional Design Lessons for China?’ in Michael Faure, Xinzhu Zhang (eds.) Competition Policy and Regulation. Recent Developments in China, the US and Europe (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014)
‘The Conflict Between Market Competition and Worker Solidarity: Moving From the Consumer to a Citizen Welfare Standard in Competition Law’, (2020) Legal Studies (forthcoming)
‘Bringing the citizen back into EU democracy: against the input-output model and why deliberative democracy might be the answer’, 19 European Society and Politics 577 (2018)
‘Legitimacy and Multi-Level Governance in European Union Competition Law: A Deliberative Discursive Approach’, 54 Journal of Common Market Studies 826 (2016)
‘The Future of Democratic Reform in Turkey: Constitutional Moment or Constitutional Process?’, 49 Government and Opposition 682 (2014)
‘Rethinking Conditionality: Turkey’s EU Accession and the Kurdish Question’, 51 Journal of Common Market Studies 416 (2013 with Lars Hoffmann)
‘The 2011 General Elections in Turkey: Potential Implications on Domestic and International Politics in the Shadow of a Discourse Change?’, 65 Parliamentary Affairs 255 (2012 with Lars Hoffmann)
‘Judicial Review and the Rule of Law in EU Competition Law Regime After Alrosa’, 7 European Competition Journal 127 (2011)
‘Multi-level Governance in Competition Policy: the European Competition Network’, 35 European Law Review 660 (2010)
‘White Paper on Antitrust Damage Actions: Lessons from the American Indirect Purchaser Litigation’, 59 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 39 (2010)
‘Management of Networks between the Competition Authorities in the EC and the US: Different Polities, Different Designs’, 3 European Competition Journal 315 (2007)
‘US Federal Merger Regime from the Network Management Perspective’, 30 World Competition Law and Economics Review 307 (2007)
‘Rethinking Conditionality: Turkey’s EU Accession and the Kurdish Question’ TILEC Discussion Paper, No.2012-10 (with Lars Hoffmann)
‘Alrosa v. Commission and Commission v. Alrosa: Rule of Law in Post-Modernisation EU Competition Law Regime’, TILEC Discussion Paper No.2010-033
‘Regulation 1/2003 Revisited’, TILEC Discussion Paper No.2009-042
‘The European Competition Network: Structure, Management and Initial Experiences of Policy Enforcement’, European University Institute, Max Weber Working Paper 2009/05
‘Passing-on Defense and Indirect Purchaser Standing in Actions for Damages against the Violations of Competition Law: what can the EC learn from the US?’, CCP Working Paper 07-21
‘The Role of State Attorneys General in US Antitrust Policy: Public Enforcement through Private Enforcement Methods’, CCP Working Paper 06-19

International conferences & workshops
Contributed as keynote speaker
European Conference on Politics and Gender, University of Amsterdam (co-convenor, 2019)
The Path towards Modern EU Competition Policy: a 50+ year retrospective, Centre for Global Competition Policy, College of Europe (2018)
Democracy Beyond Elections, University of Bristol (March 2017)
University College London/IMEDIPA International Conference on Competition Policy, Istanbul, (June 2014)
Panel Debate on the Future of EU Enlargement, UACES PhD Conference, Birmingham (2014)
Conference on ‘Fostering Growth: Reinforcing the Single Market’, University of San Pablo, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies, Madrid (2013)
International Conference on ‘Regulation and Competition Policy: New Developments and Empirical Evidence’, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China (2011)
The 6th Conference on the Review of the United Nations Set of Principles and Rules of Competition, Panel on Networking and Exchange of Non-confidential Information at the International and Regional Level, Geneva (2010)
Contributed as presenter (selected)
‘The legitimacy of EU Economic Governance post-2008 Financial and Economic Crisis’, Interdisciplinary Austerity & Economy Conference, Liverpool (2015)
‘Multi-Level Governance and Legitimacy in European Union Competition Law: A Discursive Deliberative Approach?’, European Sociological Association Conference, Prague (2015)
‘The EU Budget for Gender Equality’, International Association of Feminist Economics Conference, Berlin (2015)
‘Network Governance in Post-Financial Crisis Europe: What Impact on Legitimacy?’, Critical Political Economy Research Network Conference, Vienna (2014)
‘How not to Unite a Country? Turkish Constitutional Reforms in light of the Kurdish Minority’, Workshop on ‘Political and Constitutional Accommodation of Ethno-Linguistic Conflicts in Southern Europe’, European University Institute, Florence (2012, with Lars Hoffmann)
‘European Competition Network: Structure, Management and Initial Experiences of Policy Enforcement’, 14th Clasf Workshop, City College London (2009)
‘Comments on the Commission’s White Paper: Indirect Purchasers and Judicial Cooperation’, Workshop on Antitrust Damage Actions in Europe, European University Institute, Florence (2008)
‘Indirect Purchasers Actions for Damages against the Violations of Competition Law: What Can the EC Learn from the US?’, Workshop on Law and Economics of Competition Policy, Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn (2007)
Public Spending and Intersecting Inequalities, The Women’s Organisation, Liverpool, UK (July, 2019)
Critical Approaches to Competition, Market Regulation and (International) Economic Governance, University of Liverpool, UK (September 2018)
Making Sense of TTIP: Trade, Regulation, Democracy and Human Rights, University of Liverpool, UK (June 2016)
‘Post-Financial Crisis EU Governance’, under the auspices of FLASCO-ISA joint conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 2014)
Marie Curie Workshop, 'Post-Financial Crisis EU Governance: Legitimacy, Democracy and Competition', University of Liverpool, UK (June 2014)
‘Post-Financial Crisis EU Governance’, under the auspices of the Second European Workshops in International Studies, Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey (May 2014, with Gaye Gungor)
‘Turkey and the European Union: Rethinking a Multifaceted Relationship’, University of Tilburg, Netherlands (September 2012, with Lars Hoffmann)

Media engagement
Articles & blog posts
Gendering the EU Budget, Social Europe, 22 May 2019
Gendering the EU Budget? Why Gender Equality Should Play a Greater Role in EU Budget Negotiations, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 6 May 2019
We need to talk more about deliberative democracy in the EU, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 19 June 2018
European policy-making has become the preserve of the technocrat, 25 January 2016
The EU policymaking paradox: Citizen participation is a must, but the shaping of policies has become too technical, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 22 January 2016
Turkish elections: Why Turkey’s opposition should remain hopeful despite ErdoÄŸan’s victory, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 3 November 2015
Success for the pro-Kurdish HDP in Turkey’s general election could reshape the country’s politics, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 11 May 2015
Despite winning Turkey’s presidential election, ErdoÄŸan could find himself marginalised by the presidency’s limited powers, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 20 August 2014
Turkey’s growing civil unrest shows that citizens are prepared to defend democracy, with or without help from the EU, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 2 June 2014
The EU’s fading influence over Turkey is weakening the country’s democratic reform processes, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 14 May 2013
Democratic Reform in Turkey – Constitutional Reform or Constitutional Process?, Open Democracy, 14 January 2013
Turkey's 1980 coup lives on its legal system, The Guardian, 11 April 2012
Turkey after the elections: internal and external expectations, Euro-Atlantic Quarterly, July 2011 (with Lars Hoffmann)
Parliamentary crisis: imprisoned politicians in Turkey, OpenDemocracy, 8 July 2011 (with Lars Hoffmann)
The 2011 Turkish elections and the prospects for Turkey-EU relations, OpenDemocracy, 29 June 2011 (with Lars Hoffmann)
Interview with BBC Radio Merseyside about Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, 9 June 2016
Interview with Sputnik, Turkish MPs stripped of immunity: 'The day democracy truly died in Turkey', 23 May 2016, https://bit.ly/3kzjTMi
Interview with the Aftenposten (Norway) on EU-Turkey relations & Kurds, 30 November 2015, http://goo.gl/UYHv2y
Interview with the Toronto Star (Canada) on EU-Turkey relations & Kurds, 5 June 2015, http://goo.gl/57vig3